Two New Facebook Changes You Should Know About
Last week Facebook rolled out two new changes that will make your advertising dollars stretch further.
Right-Hand Column Redesign
Right-hand column ads had become undesirable to many marketers because there was a lot of competition in a small space (up to 7 ads at a time!) and because the images were a scant 100×72, making them easy to ignore. But that’s all changing, and so far the results look good.
Here’s what Facebook Business had to say:
“The redesign of right-hand column ads is part of an ongoing initiative to improve our ads in general. Advertising can — and should — be additive to people’s experiences on Facebook. In early tests, we’ve observed significantly higher click-through rates from people shown the new design versus the old. These results suggest that we’re on the right path: people are finding the new right-hand column ads more engaging and advertisers, therefore, are getting more value for their ad impressions.”
These ads will now be more visually consistent with the News Feed ads that we love. They’ll use the same proportions as desktop News Feed ads – nearly three times bigger than they were – and there will be fewer of them. Good news all around! The roll out began on June 24, so if you don’t see it yet, don’t worry. It’s coming your way.
New Features and a Cleaner Look for the Facebook Pages Manager App
You’ve probably already seen this one by now. Facebook launched new versions of the Facebook Pages Manager (iOS and Android). You’ll love the new streamlined look, and the new features are super helpful: easier access to admin tools, quicker navigation to Insights, and a central action tab that lets you quickly write a post, add a photo, or edit the page.
Check out the changes and let us know what you think!