Proclaim Interactive – Make it Better Team
Our mission statement is “We make our family of employees, clients and consumers better through wise investments.” The purpose of Proclaim Interactive’s Make it Better Team is to apply this mission in real and effective ways.
We’ve identified that as humans we all have physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We will strive to do what we can to make everyone we touch better in these three areas.
The Team
Our Make it Better Team will be composed of 3 employees who administer the program. Once this team is formed, future members will be nominated by and voted on by the staff. Each member will serve an initial 1 year term.
This team will be responsible for:
- Identifying, planning and evaluation efforts that meet needs for the people we touch.
- Identifying the needs of the people we touch and appropriately making them better. This may include nominating recipients of the Make it Better Fund.
- Lifting up the needs of people we touch in prayer.
Our Caring Matrix
In general, efforts of the Make it Better Team will touch one of the groups identified on the left column by meeting one of the needs shown on the top row:
For example, the team might develop a parenting seminar which would meet the emotional needs of our staff or set up free childcare to provide a date night to support the physical needs of families. Another example would be serving hot meals to the homeless while sharing the hope of Jesus which might meet the physical and spiritual needs of the community.
The most immediate focus will be Proclaim’s staff and their families, then our clients and finally our local community.
The fund exists to provide the financial means to help with immediate needs. Priority will be given to Proclaim staff and families, then to our clients and their families, and finally to the community.
The make it better fund will be administered by a trustee panel. This panel will consist of Proclaim Interactive’s Chaplain and our Director of Operations.
This trustee panel will be solely responsible for distribution decisions up to $1,500. Distributions over $1,500 may be reviewed by our President.
The Make it Better Team may request distributions to support any effort they deem appropriate from the Make it Better Fund.
All requests will be known only to the trustee panel and will otherwise remain anonymous. The exception to this are distributions over $1,500 which may be reviewed solely by Proclaim’s President.
In general, the Make it Better Fund is not intended to cover:
- Lost wages
- Legal fees
- Electronic and non-essential appliances/furnishings
- Routine car maintenance
- Non-essential household utilities (e.g. internet, cable/satellite tv, telephone, etc.)
- Items covered by insurance, insurance co-pays, premiums or deductibles
- Credit card debt or pay day loans
- Private school or higher education tuition
- Employee benefits during waiting periods for coverage
- Expenses associated with divorce or child custody settlements