Tar River Orchestra and Chorus
Love It Live
Tar River Orchestra and Chorus is comprised of six different bands based in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. The participating musicians come from all over the state and perform a repertoire of music from the quintessential classics to the popular Broadway musicals.
Tar River trusted Proclaim to create a custom designed, mobile responsive site that showcases all of its bands with one unified, dynamic look. We accomplished this with a sleek and brightly-colored design that gives the user an immediate opportunity to purchase concert tickets. Knowing the value of a stellar email marketing campaign, Tar River also tasked us with redesigning their newsletter template to match the new site. By modifying Tar River’s social platforms and maintaining them with relevant content, we capitalize on the benefits of building this client’s positive presence across social media channels.
“I don’t know what else to say, but WOW! I have never seen anything like this.”Jonathan WackerConductor, Tar River Orchestra