Meet the Team: Ali Molitor
Meet the Proclaim Interactive team!
Ali Molitor, Social Media and Email Strategist
Joined the Team: March 2019
What is your main role here at Proclaim Interactive?
I manage different social media platforms for our clients and create new, engaging content every day.
What do you enjoy about working with social media?
I love it because it is constantly changing and you have to stay up-to-date concerning topics and current events that happen in the moment. You have to discover the interests of your followers in order to develop well-rounded strategies.
Where are you from?
Greenwood, Indiana, which is located just south of Indianapolis.
So how did you find your way to North Carolina?
When I was younger, I had an obsession with Nicolas Sparks books and always wanted to live in North Carolina. I earned my degree at East Carolina University, where I was a member of the dance team for four years and a member of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority.
Tell us about your four-legged friend.
He is a German shepherd/collie mix named Colton James—named after the Indianapolis Colts. I got him from the Pitt County animal shelter when he was eight weeks old. He’s such a handsome guy who loves going for long walks and sitting directly in the sunlight.
It’s vacation time and you can go anywhere in the world. Where do you go?
Italy. I really liked the movie Gladiator, and I’ve always wanted to go to Rome and Venice and tour old Italy. That or London.